Saturday, May 30, 2009
a short-ass post.
imlazysoimgoingtolist(again)- Top girls was uninspiring and long.Im hoping it's one of those plays which is good to read and study but horrible to watch. coz if it isnt im dead for women in lit next year.
- The semester is technically over.this means only 3 semesters left in jc.zomg.REALLY?
- I havent packed for pre u sem or studied for GP or did anything productive since i woke up today.
- Yesterday's handover was like high on marijuana or something;ATLAS HC FTW.7TH HC FTWWW!
- i wanna marry taecyeon. can i?
- Today is David aka Ranice's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANICE! may you know when to fart and when to not. (still love you though!hahahahaha)
- need new shoes! damnit.
- I cannot wait for indo.yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
- i need to clean ze room. it doesnt look like one right now.
- 1010101010101010101010. *
1,5,9837,20384. see?
khai understands.
Signing off @ 6:34 PM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
a long-ass post.
you knew it was coming.i havent been able to update decently because of the continuous chain of events that came as fast as they went.VISAGE.
It was thrilling,everything was.Being locked up in the incredibly hot and stuffy backstage for about 3 hrs in total was thrilling,being able to make people laugh was thrilling,watching other awesome friends act their heart out was thrilling,anticipating responses from the people who watched was thrilling,getting hugs from everyone after the show was thrilling,the ride back was thrilling heck even carrying the props back and fro was effing thrilling.Visage,mjdrama's maiden drama night was a success in any standards.well,at least i thought it was.I had fun 'rehearsing' with Naeem and Mr Low and had fun playing the role ELIZABETH. (not dellazxzx.) Visage's kinda making me rethink about dropping.but iono lah,being a procastinator,ill decide LATER. I also am damn proud of the whole lady audley cast coz they did amazing esp TAMANNA,because she is awesome.
& special mention to naeem who always looks so interested when im verbal diorhhea-ing during rehearsals and affirming me we will do great all the time and for helping me make acting infront of a whole lot of people enjoyable.*DOES A NAEEM SCREAM* oh! to the awesome people who came down to watch,thankyouverykamsa for the ♥ and support! you guys pwn.
mj-vj(alamak.lambat lah.PUAHAHAHAHAHA)
Normally i dont talk about this in my blog but geez these soccer matches gets me so worked up.the thing is i have no idea WHY.i think its the 'meridian might' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. okay,a few months from now ill probably try to act cool and deny that i said any of this but for now ill say what i want.Like Khai said,the match was enjoyable to say the least.& i said before,soccer matches are practically anger therapy coz you direct all the negative energy,for 90 minutes,at the same,common enemy.But above any of that,i think admiration and respect is prominent when you watch these games.(idontknow if 'respect' is the correct word,but somesort of it i think?) I mean,i have no shizzing idea who these soccer dudes are as people or how theyre like but when theyre playing on the feel its just,woah these dudes are effing cool.Its like we all know the enormous amount of pressure(trust me,you could SMELL the pressure) involved but when theyre playing they're so cool and collected.(if it was me,i would have hyperventilated,cried,died or something as severe as that la) srsly! its almost like i want to go all gangstaaa~ and go all 'dude-you-ma-homie-and-i-respect-you-brotha!' on them.but of course i wont.As it is,half the world finds me freaky ._.
made the mascot and the scooter and some other stuff with cons & phonsus.I kinda missed the whole council-A&P-ish things so doing it again felt like home.but it was way challenging since i forgot how difficult it really is.But it was worth it because our mascot is BOMBZX & so is our scoooter.hc is tough.god knows how anybody can 'rah-rah' a crowd. but still,i think we'll get better coz i have faith in the 7TH (: & Atlas won first for Caesar's Challenge :DDD & third for overall and cheerleading (which i feel way happy and proud of Syafiqah,Ranice and the rest of the cheerleads! you guys own.) my heart says 'YAAAAAAAY!'
just as i heave a virtual sigh of relief,other bigger,more important events are coming up.
its okay! it always is!
because i am heathcliff.
because i am heathcliff.
told ya it'd be a long-ass post.
&to make this even more long-ass;
Signing off @ 9:34 PM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
there aint no sunshine. BECAUSE ITS AT NIGHT. duhhh.
HAHAHAHAHA,okay i just made myself laugh. but kris's 'aint no sunshine' is rad.i love it.i am BEAT.the week has been really exhausting,and its not even ended yet! Sometimes i wonder (with me being so tired and shizz); 'is this my limit? is this my socially optimal equilibrium?'
Because,although i am physically and mentally tired,i WANT to do more things,complete more tasks,do things better than what i am doing now.but time,the fraility of the human body & the human mind just doesnt allow me to.
so i just fall asleep.
with all this exhaustion,its almost a miracle im still standing,smiling. & for this i thank the heavens above i have so many things in this world that make me feel being beat-out is a mere entrance-fee to enjoy them. things like; pasar malams,family dinners,cute but useless doraemon stuff,holidays & friends who dont go all mad even after you've led them to a non-existant place that had been demolished. T_T.& sexythings like this.
Signing off @ 12:09 AM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Kris to the frickin awesome Allen.
American Idol season 8 has ended.And although i have not been entirely loyal(i did watch all the Kris performances though.because he pwns) the entire season,i basically think;- KRIS IS WIN.
- Kara whatsherface and Paula arent really 'bestfriends'
- Danny the fatty Gokey is overrated and my mom loves him too much.
- Lil rounds has huge bottoms.
- Adam Lambert screams too much and i am utterly afraid of him after that 'KISS' performance on the final results show. *tongues* god.
- Randy dawg has PMS. coz he's just weird and bitchy sometimes.
- Ryan is short. but lovable.
- Paula is in denial of her true dress size because she always wears things that are two sizes too small.
- Jamar aka Danny's brahh for lifezx should have made it in the top 12.because he pwns.
- Megan joy is not joyous. but her tats are shizzle for da dizzle!
- Kara so made 'No Boundaries' with Lambert in not even kidding,its a conspiracy i tell you!
- the metal (more like freaking scary old men in make up and platforms) band 'KISS' + Adam Lambert = nightmare.
- Poor blind dude being forced to dance.
- & awww,kris hugging his wife at the end of the show.awww.
- i want a kris please.
- can i have one?
- oh yeah,to Syafiqah and the rest of the adam lambert supporting world : *GRINS*
Signing off @ 12:04 AM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
왜 그런지 몰라.
Signing off @ 11:46 PM
Friday, May 15, 2009
Slow dancing in a burning room.
In my opinion,you feel loneliest when your standing alone in your made up personal space in a crowded mrt listening to your ipod trying to be absorbed in your own world but your really actually perfectly aware of everybody else in the train around you.Like the couple PDA-ing the corner,the kinda hot dude two seats away,the foreign-coughs-talent speaking really loudly behind you.Nothing spells loneliness more than the sporadic,short distances between mrt stations. Maybe its just me,but its when im standing alone trying to listen to my ipod amidst all the buzz i think,' damn su,your pathetically alone.'& then i start to make up things in my mind.Ridiculous ideas which should never be said outloud, ideas thats only for the mind to giggle at.(come on,you have these ideas too.) So,because I sometimes lose the ability to contain my thoughts and actions IN my mind,ill do something really embarrassingly stupid like ;'hit myself in the forehead' or 'giggle like a fangirl' or 'smile suddenly'.All this in a crowded mrt not realising people are actually observing me although it looks like theyre absorbed in THEIR own thoughts. and after all that, REALISATION HITS!
then i go 'ohshit fuck,did i just do that outloud?!'
T_T seriously su,you have to realise you freak people out sometimes. like now because your taking to yourself in third person in your blog.
ps! me,khai and afrah went to tampines today.friday is officially TAMPINES-FRIDAY.
(dont laugh.)
pps! Syafiqah told me that LTC's changed from Kota Tinggi to BOTTLETREEPARK.
Signing off @ 11:45 PM
content you in my discontent!
just a fast one because this post isnt supposed to be here anyways. i should be a)studying maths b)sleeping c)packing my bag but alas! here i am.Khai's blog post made me convieniently want to list too.credits for the idea: KHAIRIAH.
- Adrian Pang in Much Ado is hilarious and he is a theatrical genius. (pillowman still pwns,imo.)
- Shakespeare is for the effing shizzing win.I love the bald dude now.I love how he twists my mind into thinking differently with all the wordplay and all that fun shizz. & his characters are shizzing to the fizzing dizzle. (refer:Grumio.)
- Ms Pearlin says we shouldnt let anybody look down on us coz we're H1 maths. but in a way,im proud to say that im h1maths because that makes me special compared to the rest of the gc-world.
- I am so effing shizzing to the gizzing screwed for tomorrow's (i mean TODAY's) binomial/normal test T_T
- Visage is coming SOON. phowar that was fricking fast.
- Ock Taecyeon rapping in 돌라올지도 몰라 is sexysexysexy. i ♥♥♥ you taec!
- when people look at you weirdly in the mrt do you smile at them? no,you dont su. they'll just think your doubly weird. -.-
- Everybody is busy with GPP. but my imba group hasnt started. i still love us though :D!
- i ♥♥ this. (refer Fig 1.0)
Fig 1.0
Signing off @ 12:05 AM
Monday, May 11, 2009
세상에 너를 소리쳐!
So today,i dragged jarratt and yuding (spontaneously!) to go all the way to Bukit Batok to hunt for Big Bang's "세상에 너를 소리쳐!" book. You east-ies thought north was ulu,you have not been to the west. it was wild alright. uhuh. T_T& WE FOUND IT! right there on the bottom shelf of solmart's book corner. EUPHORIA! and there was a miracle 20% off. it must have known i was coming! (i even saw the kor. version of Tablo's pieces of you,but being the good spendthrift child that i am,i did not buy it) im currently going through the daesung chapters SLOWLY. this means,slowly translating the words i dont understand and figuring how the sentence is structured.& it'll probably take me forever but its okay! because by the end of it my korean vocab would expand indefinitely. & i'll be able to converse with the solmart ahjummas in FULL korean. (then i can go korea and marry daesung and/or taecyeon.kekekekekekekeke T_T)
catched up with jarratt after a long time,yj's made him a bit sharp-tongued,but it was fun anyways.
Then the entire family with some family friends went to TESCO in johor is love lah. i love TESCO.nothing really exciting but my dad's banned from TESCO by my mama now because he spent WAY over the proposed budget.WAY OVER.WAAAY.
but im not complaining because now the fridge is full of nonsense junk food that i enjoy.
(however,the very same nonsense is 'wellness's no.1 enemy. T_T)
on a much more serious,foreshadowing,wuthering-heights-pathetic-fallacy- note,
i think there is something wrong with me.
as in,i think the systems in my body are not functioning correctly.
mama's dragging me for a checkup tomorrow and honestly,i dont feel right.(not one bit)
축하해요,우리 태국 왕자,닉쿤! ♥♥♥
Signing off @ 1:27 AM
Sunday, May 10, 2009
change is good. i welcome change.
so whaddya think?i personally love all my icons coz theyre all from the absolutely adoring NII photoshoot.
i effing love NII. & because of peer pressure,ive started the painful process of linking.So if you want to be linked,bother me until i actually do.Mind you,that's a lot of bothering.
Anyways,yesterday was really awesome because i got to go explore tampines with khairiah, visit my grandmama and play with my cousin,converse with a solmart ahjumma in semi-korean(semi because i am still not prozx T_T) whilst in orchard with yuding,go back to huamin and meet mrs lui and ms goh AND hang with ruohan,yuding & mitch after what felt like an eon.
thats a handful ehh.
but seriously,going back to huamin (even if its for awhile and we got death stares from mr raju or whatshisface for coming)was nice.For one you get to think 'shit,i am old' but thats in a good way coz it just means you've matured from colourful walls and shit-small canteen chairs. Hanging out with han,ding and mitch was way cool too.i miss them like mad.(more of ruohan and yuding,because mitch the bitch transformed into a I love it that no matter how much our environment changes,when we hang out we're still the same retards from primary school.I love it that there are no awkward silences only comfortable pauses.
Technically,today is mother's day.kudos to all momma's.
i phail at daughter-ing because i dont have a gift for umma.
but its okay because no gift can amount to the greatness of my umma.
HAHA.pathetic excuse T_T? but still,true whether you want to believe or not.
my umma is superwoman.proof:currently,she's baking muffins to give my grandmama(s) and her friends(who are mothers) for mothers day.(when SHE'S the one whose supposed to get gifts!) she is without any compeition at all;superwoman. but her super-ness just makes me look more of a failure eh?
엄마 짱!
축하해요 택연아!♥♥♥
Signing off @ 2:42 AM
Thursday, May 7, 2009
i hate feeling under the weather.all the headaches and feeling lethargic and out of energy really sucks.the muscle aches and stomach cramps suck too. and the sneeze doesnt help either.(i dont have a fever,so dont judge!)
Signing off @ 8:56 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
no reason,just HAD to put.
the people who make life muchmuchmuch more exciting!
& the ones ill cherish till death.
sometimes pictures are better than words.
ps! i have no idea why i am doing this. god knows i have 289372894792792things to do.
2am.2pm.2seconds.HAH! T_T;
but its okay!
it always is.
ps! i have no idea why i am doing this. god knows i have 289372894792792things to do.
2am.2pm.2seconds.HAH! T_T;
but its okay!
it always is.
Signing off @ 11:30 PM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
appa just left for paris today and he's only coming back next sunday.I now understand that this swine flu shizz only sucks badly when someone you love is going to a place where there has been cases DD:난 아빠가 많이 기도할까요.
Signing off @ 12:25 AM